Vitamin F Octacosanol 90 Perles - no longer available

Professional Formulas

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Vitamin F Octacosanol 90 Perles by Professional Formulas 

A concentrate of wheat germ, soybean, rice bran oils containing lecithin, tocopherols, sterols, and essential fatty acids.

Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) 15 IU Wheat Germ Oil Concentrate 570 mg Linoleic acid (Omega 6) 308 mg Lecithin 200 mg Phospholipids 115 mg Linolenic acid (Omega 3) 46 mg Policosanols 6000 mcg Triacontanol 2500 mcg Octacosanol 2000 mcg Tetracosanol 1000 mcg Hexacosanol 500 mcg