Anti-Smoking I Drops 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Anti-Smoking I Drops 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas 

Anti-Smoking I Drops by Professional Formulas is a homeopathic aid designed to support the body's natural ability to reduce cravings and addictive behavior associated with smoking. It works by stimulating the body's systems to help break the cycle of dependency. It is unique in that it is an all-natural solution that does not contain any synthetic or artificial ingredients. The ingredients are all derived from natural sources, such as plants, herbs, and minerals, and are carefully formulated to provide the maximum benefit. This product can help reduce the physical and psychological symptoms associated with quitting smoking, including cravings, irritability, and anxiety. It can also help to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue. This natural homeopathic aid is a safe and effective way to support the body's natural processes of detoxification and withdrawal from smoking.
Tabacum 3X, 12X, 30X, 100X, Adrenal 6X, Lobelia cardinalis 6X, Lung 6X, Nicotinum 6X, Endorphins 6X, 30X, Coffea tosta 6X, 30X, 100X, Nux vomica 12X, Saccharum officinale 16X, 60X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol.