Beautox 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Beautox 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas 

Beautox by Professional Formulas provides natural detoxification support and helps to address the effects of synthetic materials used in cosmetology, such as preservatives, fragrances, and dyes. It can help to reduce the body's burden of toxins, allowing it to better focus on other health concerns. The unique blend of ingredients in this homeopathic support helps to gently and effectively cleanse the body, without harsh side effects. It is made up of natural extracts and minerals that work together to promote a healthy balance in the body. This natural detoxification support is a safe and effective way to help the body eliminate toxins, without the need for harsh chemicals or medications. It can help to reduce the symptoms associated with toxic exposure, such as fatigue, headaches, and skin irritations. This natural detoxification support is a great way to help the body stay healthy and balanced.
Echinacea angustifolia 2X, Brain 6X, Camphora 6X, Kidney 6X, Liver 6X, Lung 6X, Hypophysis 12X, Nitricum acidum 12X, Phosphoricum acidum 12X, Cosmetologic toxins 30X, 60X, 100X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol.