Cat's Claw/Uncaria tomentosa - 4 oz

Herb Pharm

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Cat's Claw/Uncaria tomentosa - 4 oz by Herb Pharm

Herb Pharm suggests taking two to four times per day. Take 30 to 40 drops in a little water. 

Shake well before using. 

Amount Per Serving:
Dry herb / menstruum ratio: 1 : 4

Other Ingredients: certified organic grain alcohol, distilled water, vegetable glycerine, Cats Claw extractives & dilute hydrochloric acid. 

We prepare our Cats Claw Extract from the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa vines which are Custom Wildcrafted by the AshAininka Indians in their native wild habitat in the Amazonian highlands of Peru. 

To assure optimal extraction of Cats Claws bioactive compounds, we use only the inner bark which is hand-harvested, carefully sun-dried and cleaned of outer bark, and is then shipped directly to our laboratory for thorough extraction. 

Seek expert medical advice before taking during pregnancy.