Flea Aid 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Flea Aid 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas

Flea Aid (Vet Line) by Professional Formulas is a homeopathic aid in the symptoms associated with allergic dermatitis and/or reaction to flea and other biting organisms.*

Professional Formulas suggests 
Acute: Suggested use in animals is to administer in the oral area via dropper, spray or wormer, 10 drops every 15 minutes (not to exceed 3 hours).
Subacute: When symptoms improve, reduce the dosing frequency to every hour (not to exceed 8 hours).
Chronic: Administer 10 drops every 3 or 4 hours.
Prevention: Add 1 teaspoon daily to the animal’s water.
Applications may also be applied by rubbing into the vascular areas of the skin or added to animal’s drinking water.

Amount Per Serving:
Apis mellifica 3X, 
Histiminum 6X, 
Ledum palstre 6X, 
Pulsatilla 6X, 
Sulphur 6X, 
Urtica urens 6X, 
Pulex irritans 12X, 
Rhus toxicodendron 12X, 
Staphysagria 12X
