Northeast Regional Allersode 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Northeast Regional Allersode 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas

Northeast Regional Allersode by Professional Formulas provides factors that mitigate hypersensitivity to common allergies of the Northeast.*

Amount Per Serving:
Adrenal 3X, 4X, ACTH 6X, 30X, Histamine 12X, Liver 6X, 12X, Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch/Alder mix, Box elder, Cottonwood mix, Elm mix, Hickory, Mulberry, Oak mix, Pine mix, Privet, Sycamore, Walnut, Bermuda grass, Atriplex mix, Grass mix, Burning bush, Cocklebur, English plantain, Lambs quarters, Marshelder, Nettle, Pigweed mix, Ragweed, Rumex mix, Sage, all at 6X, 12X, 60X, 100X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol. 2 oz

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  • 5
    Excellent Product

    Posted by Anonymous on May 31st 2011

    I have used Northeast Allersode for the past four years, as have my husband and teenage son. The product works very well -- just a few drops under the tongue and I'm set. For best results, I start taking the drops daily in late winter (mid-March) before the allergy season begins so that I am well desensitized before all of the pollen hits. By April I am able to back off to once a week and by June I only take as needed. I can recommend this product to anyone of any age.