Nut Mix Allersode 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Nut Mix Allersode 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas 

Lyophilized, freeze dried New England glands and tissues. Certification documents available upon request. Use according to standard homeopathic indications.

Adrenal 3X, 4X, ACTH 6X, 30X, Histamine 12X, Liver 6X, 12X, Almond, Black Walnut, Brazil Nut, Cashew, Chestnut, Coconut, English Walnut, Hazel, Hickory, Litchi, Olive, Peanut, Pecan, Pinion, Water Chestnut 6X, 12X, 60X, 100X, purified water, 20% U.S.P. alcohol