Paeonia Plex 30ml

Seroyal Unda

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Paeonia Plex 30ml by Seroyal Unda

Seroyal Unda suggests adults take ten drops three to six times daily, according to the severity of symptoms. For children under 12, take five drops three to six times daily, according to the severity of symptoms.

Paeonia officinalis (Paeony) 4 X  
Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) 3 X  
Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel) 4 X  
Sulfur sublimatum (Sulfur) 6 X  
Arnica montana (Leopard‘s Bane) 4 CH  
Graphites (Black Lead) 4 CH  
Acidum nitricum (Nitric Acid) 4 CH  
Nux vomica (Poison Nut) 4 CH

Paeonia Plex provides a synergistic homeopathic preparation formulated specifically to relieve pain and inflammation created by chronic venous insufficiency, especially in the extremities and in the hemorrhoidal veins. Varicose veins in the legs or rectal area are strongly correlated to insufficient activity by the liver, most commonly due to lack of exercise, insufficient dietary intake of fiber, chronic use of alcohol and cigarette smoking. Paeonia Plex is indicated for hemorrhoids, fissures, anal pruritus and varicose veins; and is an excellent adjunct to Proctosan Cream.

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