Phyto Greens Powder 255g

Seroyal Genestra

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Product Description: Phyto Greens provides a high potency, broad spectrum, caffeine-free formula high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and digestive enzymes needed for proper detoxification and optimum nutritional status. Research shows that environmental pollutants, lack of exercise and inadequate nutrition lead to increased instances to allergies, and parasitic and bacterial infections. Phyto Greens is recommended to ensure optimal nutritional status during periods of high stress, and is indicated for symptoms associated with fatigue, nervousness, irritability, colitis, Crohns disease, irritable bowel syndrome, hypoglycemia, diabetes, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and intracellular toxic overload. Product ideal for vegans.


Each Tablespoon (9.16 g) Contains
Wheat Grass Juice 400 mg
Barley Grass Juice 400 mg
Alfalfa Grass Juice 400 mg
Green Papaya Juice 400 mg
Red Beet Juice 200 mg
Acerola Berry Juice 25 mg
Spirulina 1000 mg
Chlorella 600 mg
Broccoli 600 mg
Cauliflower 600 mg
Lecithin 2000 mg
Phosphatidylcholine 480 mg
Wheat Sprout 400 mg
Octacosanol 250 mg
Spinach 250 mg
Dunaliella salina (Dunaliella) 50 mg
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) 50 mg
Chelidonium majus (Celandine) 50 mg
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo 50:1 conc. Standardized Extract)

24% ginkgoflavoglycosides & 6% terpene lactones 40 mg
Ginkgoflavoglycosides, no less than 9600 mcg
Terpene Lactones, no less than 2400 mcg
Vaccinium myrtillus (Bilberry)

Standardized Extract 25% 40 mg
Anthocyanins, no less than 10 mg
Grape Seed Standardized Extract 85% 40 mg
Proanthocyanidins, no less than (OPC) 34 mg
Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) 1000 mg
Apple Pectin 25 mg
Bromelain (Pineapple) 25 mg
Petroselinum sativum (Parsley) 25 mg
Apium graveolens (Celery) 25 mg
Nasturtium officinale (Watercress) 25 mg
Papain (Papaya) 25 mg
Bee Pollen (Entomophilous) 200 mg

Adults: One to two tablespoons, one to two times daily with water or juice.
Prenatal, Lactating mothers: One tablespoon, one to two times daily with water or juice.
Children under 12: Two teaspoons daily with water or juice.


Contraindications: Pregnancy due to parsley. Hypertensive and anticoagulant medications due to ginkgo.

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