RET Lung 1 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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RET Lung 1 fl oz by Professional Formulas

Professional Formulas RET Lung by Professional Formulas is designed to address emotional symptoms associated with the lung reflex. These include grief, sadness, yearning, cloudy thinking, anguish, difficulty accepting love, brain fog, heaviness, and a weighted feeling of being trapped in the chest. This product is unique in that it combines a variety of ingredients, such as Chinese Skullcap root extract, Chinese Licorice root extract, and Chinese Magnoliavine fruit extract, to promote emotional wellbeing. Additionally, it contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives, making it a safe and natural option for those looking to improve their emotional health. RET Lung 1 fl oz is a great choice for those looking to take a holistic approach to their mental health, as it can help to address the root cause of the emotional symptoms.
Professional Formulas suggests taking 5 Lung(RET-3) drops 4 times per day, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed past one month.


Calcarea Phosphorica 3x 6x 30x, Kali Phosphorica 3x 6x 30x, Sweet Chestnut 3x, Star of Bethlehem 3x, Chicory 3x, Ignatia 30x 100x 200x, Aurum 30x 100x 200x, Naturm Muriaticum 30x 100x 200x, Causticum 30x 100x 200x, Staphysagria 30x 100x 200x, Lachesis 30x 100x 200x