Hot Spot Aid 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Hot Spot Aid 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas

Hot Spot Aid (Vet Line) by Professional Formulas is for homeopathic aid in the relief of sensitive and oozing lesions such as hot spots, abscesses, eczema and seborrhea. *

Professional Formulas suggests for acute-use 10 drops every 15 minutes. Do not exceed 3 hours, reduce to hourly for not more than 8 hours. Chronic-Use 10-15 drops 3 times daily as needed. For prevention, use one dose weekly. Doses may be used orally, in water or rubbged into vascular areas.

Berberis vulgaris 6x, Sulphur 6x, Thuja occidnetalis 6x, Coffea 12x, Graphites 12x, Kreosotum 12x, Petroleum 12x, Rhus toxicondendron 12x, Staphysagria 12x, Arsenicum album 30x, Psorinum 30x, purified water, 10% alcohol, 8% glycerin