Mycotoxin Inhibitor 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Mycotoxin Inhibitor 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas 

Mycotoxin Inhibitor by Professional Formulas provides homeopathic support to assist in elimination of mycotoxin infections and inhibit continued growth. *

adrenal 6x, thyroid 6x, thymus 6x, spleen 6x, Lymph Drops 1 fl oz 6x, colchicum autumnale 6x, tecoma radicans 6x, pau d’arco 6x, arsenicum album 6x, Borax 12x, Zincum metallicum 12x, penicillinum 30x, 60x, aspergillus niger 30x, 60x, aspergillus flavus 30x, 60x, candida albicans 30x, 60x, chlamydia trachomatis 30x, 60x, Mycosis fungoides 30x, 60x, saccharomyces 30x, 60x, l+lactic acid 12x, 30x, Echinacea angustifolia 6x, 12x