Perfumox 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Perfumox 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas

Homeopathic detoxification and desensitization to chemicals used in the manufacture of perfumes and fragrances. *

sabadilla 6x, 12x, nux vomica 8x, phosphorus 12c, Ylang ylang 15x, Belladonna 30c, sulphur iodatum 30c, cinnamic acid 30c, acetaldehyde 30c, 60c, 100c, colchicum autumnale 60c, acetonum 60x, 100x, 200x, indolum 60c, 100c, 200c, Eugenol 60c, 100c, 200c, Mixed perfumes 60c, 100c, 200c, Benzinum 60c, 100c, 200c, petroleum 100c