Poison Ivy/Oak Allersode 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Poison Ivy & Oak Mix 2oz by Professional Formulas 

Poison Ivy & Oak by Professional Formulas is designed to reduce the symptoms associated with poison ivy and poison oak. It contains ingredients that are scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, itching, and swelling. This product is unique in the marketplace because it is made with natural ingredients that are specifically formulated to address the hypersensitivity of these skin irritants. It contains natural ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, and Tea Tree Oil, which have been proven to reduce inflammation and help soothe the skin. It is also free of harsh chemicals, making it safe for all skin types. This product is an effective way to reduce the symptoms of poison ivy and poison oak, and can be used to help prevent further irritation.
Echinacea purpurea 2X, Adrenal 3X, 4X, Croton tiglium 6X, ACTH 6X, 30X, Histamine 12X, Kreosotum 12X, Xerophyllum 12X, Liver 6X, 12X, Rhus diversiloba (Poison Oak), Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy), Stinging Nettle, Sumac, all at 6X, 12X, 60X, 100X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol. 2 oz