Southwest Regional Allersode 2 fl oz

Professional Formulas

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Southwest Regional Allersode 2 fl oz by Professional Formulas 

Provides factors that mitigate hypersensitivity to common allergies of the Southwest.

Adrenal 3X, 4X, ACTH 6X, 30X, Histamine 12X, Liver 6X, 12X, Birch/Alder, Box elder, Mountain cedar, Arizona cottonwood, Willow, Aspen, Elm, Mesquite, Mulberry, Oak, Olive pollen, Pine, Privet, Sycamore, Walnut, Hickory, Pecan, Bermuda grass, Grass mix, Atriplex, Burning bush, Ash, Cocklebur, Plantain, Lambs quarter, Marshelder, Pigweed mix, Ragweed, Rumex mix, Russian thistle, Sage, Waterhemp, Coyote brush, Pinion, Mormon tea, Juniper, Orange pollen, Salt cedar, all at 6X, 12X, 60X, 100X purified water, 20% USP alcohol. 2 oz